Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dirty Grunge Typography Piece

  1. Make a new document that is 757 (width) x 510 (height). Fill your document with the background color #0bd08d.
  2. Now to begin this piece, I will be using the typeface ‘Univers’ and it’s many forms. If you don’t have this typeface, don’t worry. There are many other alternatives that are just as good. I would recommend using Arial if you don’t have Univers. We’re going to begin by writing out “You know that if I could I would stop the world”. Of course before we begin we must think about how we will assemble the text. Typography pieces are construction to me. I group words based on their importance (which will be larger in hierarchy, which words are most important, which will be bold, etc.) and then I arrange them accordingly. Also, use white and black as your colors and alternate them as pictured. Or whatever you like best!
  3. One important thing I relate to typography is alignment. Things should line up properly. Things should look clean and together. I usually eyeball things but since we want to be precise here we’ll break out the rulers (CTRL+R) and line up some things to make sure everything is in order. Just drag the rulers down and see if things line up. Things don’t always have to be aligned (say if you’re doing an intentionally non-gridded piece) but for this piece they will be.
  4. Now that we’ve gotten everything aligned we can begin the designing stage. I’m going to begin to add blocks behind the text so they look more dynamic. Make sure you make a new raster for every block. This is a trial and error stage so using the colors black and #e2ee15 (this will be our secondary color) take the rectangle tool (step 1 in picture), make a new raster layer and fill it underneath the text (step 2 in picture).

    I then added another background to the words “YOU KNOW” (color #e2ee15).
  5. For the words “I WOULD” I added a black background underneath, then I changed the type color of the words to the color same as the background.
  6. Change the type color for “THE WORLD” to #e2ee15.
  7. Now we’ll begin adding in the brushes to give it that grunge type look. To do this we will merge all our text layers together so they can become raster layers, and we can edit them. In doing this we can no longer edit the text (the colors, sizing, etc.). So click and shift select all of your text layers then press CTRL+E.

  8. Select your eraser tool, and then select the “YOU KNOW” layer. Now, using a textured eraser like the one below, give the block some texture. You can get the brushes I’m using from my brush set collection on the site. The one I am using is from the set “Magazine Cut Out Scan Brushes” located here.

  9. Now still using your eraser, select some dust and speckled brushes. You can also get these from my site, they’re called “Dirt Speck Brushes” and “Dirt and Grunge Brushes” located hereGo to your newly merged text layer and begin going over the text with the dust brush AS AN ERASER. You should see texture immediately!
  10. Now we can go ahead and do this eraser technique to the rest of our text. As well as adding textures with certain brushes using the eraser tool.

  11. Once you’re satisfied with the texture that your text has taken, switch layers to your text block and do the exact same thing with the eraser tool.

  12. Now go to the top of your layers and make a new raster layer. Grab your brush tool, and selecting the dust brushes once more in the colors black and white.
  13. Add random brushes you find interesting, I’m using lots of scribbles and grunge type brushes. Again, you can find all these brushes in my brush section of the site. The brushes I’m using specifically in this step are from the brush pack titled “Street Grunge Dirt Brushes” located here.

    Added a splatter.
  14. I didn’t like how straight the blocks were (the one under I WOULD) so I went back and erased the top and bottom parts of it to give it some texture.
  15. Add some floral brushes to the piece with the same colors used in your blocks. Make sure you make a new raster layer for these as well, and you place the raster layer underneath the color blocks.

  16. After you’re finished take these swirl brushes (titled “Illustrator Spiral Brushes” in the brush section) and add them on their own raster layer on the very bottom of all these layers. This raster layer will be right on top of the background. This is just to make sure they’re under everything!

    Of course afterwards we will erase with a texured dust brush, so you know what to do!
  17. Voila, we are all done here. You can add some more of your own touches but for now, we have our own grunge text piece. 
  18. the original site click here

Grunge style abstract typography

Download a copy of this grungy image from and load it into Photoshop. We will use it as the background of this poster.
Rotate the canvas by 90 degree CW by going into Image > Rotate Canvas > 90 degree CW:
We can add a bit of noise on the background image and make it look more grungy. To do this, duplicate the background layer and go to Filter > Noise > Dust & Scratches and apply the following settings:
Change the layer blending option to “Overlay” and you will have the following effect:

Step 2

Duplicate the “Background copy” layer once, go to Filter > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen and apply the following settings:
Keep the layer blending mode as “overlay” and you will have the following effect:

Step 3

Duplicate the “Background copy 2″ layer once and go to Filter > Stylize > Glowing edge and apply the following settings:
Keep the layer blending option as “overlay” and you will see the following effect:
Then hit Ctrl + Shift + Alt + B and bring up the Black and White adjustment Tool, apply the following settings:
And you will have the following effect:

Step 4

Duplicate the “Background Copy 3″ layer once, change the blending option of the duplicated layer to “Screen” and you have the following effect:
To create a bit of colour depth, we apply the Black and White adjustments to this layer (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + B) with the following settings:

Step 5

Still on the previous layer, grab the Eraser Tool with a big soft round brush, erase the area where covering the yellow/golden part:
Change the layer blending option to “Color” and you will have the following effect:
Go back to the “Background copy 3″ layer, again use the Eraser Tool with a big soft brush to erase the centre portion of the image:

Step 6

Now let’s add some text onto the background texture. Download a copy of this font and type some text onto the canvas:
When you’re happy with the text, rasterize it and change its layer blending mode to “Hard Light”.  Apply the following layer blending options:
Drop Shadow:
Bevel and Emboss:
Gradient Overlay:
And you will have the following effect:
Duplicate the text layer 7-8 times, keep the blending mode of each layer as “hard light”, and you will have a deeper text effect as a result:
Merge those duplicated layers together and name the merge layer as “Text”.

Step 7

Change the blend mode of the text layer to “Hard light”, duplicate it once again and apply the following Gaussian Blur filter on the duplicated layer:
After applying the Blur filter, duplicate this layer once more. On the duplicated layer, add a White colour overlay blending option as shown below:
Then on this layer, use the Eraser Tool to gently eraser some part of the text, by doing so you can create a uneven lighting effect and make the text look 3D:

Step 8

To a bit of extra flavor to the image, we can add a new layer called “cloud” in between the text and the background texture layer, use the Lasso Tool with 40px feather to make a selection around the text and render some cloud inside:
To make the cloud look a bit uneven, we can simply duplicate the existing cloud layer once and set the blending mode of the duplicated layer to “hard light”.
Here is the effect so far:
Ok that’s it for this tutorial! You can of course add some of your own texture or filter effect and see what the end results are!
Here is my final result for this tutorial: (I add a bit of radial blur, and adjusted the colour balance a bit)
Hope you enjoy this tutorial, drop me a comment if you have any question, I will try my best to help you out.
The original site click here